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TOP2011 USB Universal Programmer EPROM MCU PIC

Place of Origin: Guangdong, China (Mainland)

  • TOP2011 USB Universal Programmer EPROM MCU PIC





TOP2011 USB Universal Programmer EPROM MCU PIC




Features :
- Support 2.5~6.5V device; 
- Using USB for power source  It can connect with 5V external power source
- Transmission speed 12MHz/s via USB.
- Compatible with Notebook or Desktop computer
- With current protection function, effectively protects the programmer and devices.
- USB load testing (0 to 10 levels); 
- Device\'s connection inspection, inspect every pins\' connection of the device;
- 40 pins self-lock sockets;
- Working with WINDOWS7/ Vista /2000/ 2003/ XP; 
- plastic cabinet, small size and weight light;
- the programming speed will not affect computer CPU calculation speed 
- self-detecting the device\'s manufacturer\'s name and parts number.

Item  includes:
- TOP2011 Programmer;
- The Standard USB Cable;
- TopWin accompanying software CD-ROM -
P2011 Support device

2716-12.7V, 2716-21V, 2716-25V, 2732-12.7V, 2732-21V, 2732-25V, 2764-12.7V, 27C64-12.7V,P27,

2764-21V, 2764-25V, 27128-12.7V,P27, 27C128-12.7V,P27, 27128-21V, 27C128-21V, 27256-12.7V,P27,

27C256-12.7V,P27, 27512-12.7V,P27, 27C512-12.7V,P27, 27513-12.7V,P27, 27C513-12.7V,P27,

27C010-12.7V,P27, 27C020-12.7V,P27, 27C040-12.7V,P27, 27C080-12.7V,P27, 27C801-12.7V,


Am2716-12.7V,P27, Am2716-21V, Am2716-25V, Am2732-12.7V,P27, Am2732-21V, Am2732-25V,

Am2764-21V, Am2764A-12.5V,P27, Am27C64-12.5V,P27, Am2128-21V, Am27128A-12.5V, Am27C128-12.7V,P27,

Am27256HV-21V, Am27C256-12.75V, Am27C256P-12.75V, Am27H256-12.75V, Am27512-12.75V,

Am27512/L-12.75V, Am27C010-12.75V, Am27H010-12.75V, Am27HB010-12.75V, Am27C020-12.75V,

Am27C040-12.75V, Am27C080-12.7V,


AT2716-12.7V,P27, AT2716-21V, AT2716-25V, AT2732-12.7V,P27, AT2732-21V, AT2732-25V,

AT27HC64-12.7V, AT27HC64L-12.7V, AT27C128-12.7V, AT27C256-12.7V, AT27HC256-12.7V,

AT27/HC256-12.7V, AT27C512-12.7V, AT27C512R-12.7V, AT27C513-12.7V, AT27C513R-12.7V,

AT27C010/L-12.7V, AT27C011-12.7V, AT27C040-12.7V, AT27C080-12.7V,


CAT2764A-12.7V, CAT27128A-12.7V, CAT27C128-12.7V,P27, CAT27C256-12.7V, CAT27512-12.7V,



MBM2716-12.7V,P27, MBM2716-21V, MBM2716-25V, MBM2732-12.7V,P27, MBM2732-21V, MBM2732-25V,

MBM2764-21V, MBM27C64-21V, MBM27128-21V, MBM27C128-21V, MBM27256-12.7V, MBM27C256A-12.7V,

MBM27C512-12.7V, MBM27C1000-12.7V, MBM27C1001-12.7V, MBM27C4001-12.7V, MBM27C080-12.7V,


2716-12.7V,P27, 2716-21V, 2716-25V, 2732-12.7V,P27, 2732-21V, 2732-25V, 2764-21V,

27C64-21V, 2764A-12.7V, 27C6A-12.7V, 27128-21V, 27128A-12.7V, 27C128-12.7V,P27, 27256,

27C256, 27256HV-21V, 27512, 27C512, 27512HV-21V, 27513,P27, 27C513,P27, 27010, 27C010,P27,

27011, 27C011,P27, 27101,P27, 27C101,P27, 27C020,P27, 27C040,P27, 27C080,P27,


HN27C64-21V, HN27128AG-12.7V, HN27128P-21V, HN27/C256,P27, HN27/C512,P27, HN27C101,P27, ........ and so on .


